Kristin Norse, 2017-2018 Chair
As the weather cools and the days get shorter, the Appellate Practice Section is still hard at work. Thank goodness for Pumpkin Spiced Lattes to keep the energy level up! Here’s a few of the things we have cooking.
On November 9, the Section participated in the Diversity and Inclusion Symposium in Orlando. See photos below. The Section sponsored, hosted a table, and provided a leader for table discussions. The Section’s table drew some buzz, as we polled participants on the most crucial questions in appellate practice and the law, like, ‘One space or two?’ Great thanks to the Outreach Committee, and specifically Jared Krukar, Mary Walter, Jamie Billotte Moses, and Katherine Yanes, for their efforts with this. We hope to continue to promote diversity in our Section and The Bar.
We are in the process of revamping our committees and committee structure. Please be on a lookout soon for an email asking our members to sign up for the committees of their choice. If you’d like to get a jump on it, feel free to look at our updated committee page, and fill out a sign-up form directly from the website or contact one of the committee leaders. We hope to have some full and lively committee meetings at The Florida Bar’s Winter Meeting, so please mark your calendars now for January 18 and plan on joining us!
Our webinar CLE’s continue to draw “virtual” crowds. Be sure to sign up for our January webinar on “Appellate Law Update: 2017 Year in Review.” Remember that for most of the webinars, you can access the course after the live presentation if a scheduling conflict arises.
And register now for “Practicing Before the Second District Court of Appeal,” to be held at the Second District on December 1. There’s a jam-packed day of programming followed by a reception at one of the most picturesque spots in Tampa.
There’s so much more, but I’m already well “below the fold” on your screen. Keep an eye out for emails or follow us on Facebook and Twitter!
Kristin Norse, Chair
Appellate Practice Section
(813) 229-1118