Last year, the Section moved into the technological age and revamped the monthly CLEs. It moved from a telephonic to a webinar format. This change was a huge success.  It allowed the speakers to use a PowerPoint or other handouts to aid their presentations and to poll the audience. The program also allowed the listeners to pose real-time questions in a chat function.  Our attendance numbers were larger than ever!
The Section will continue the audio webcasts format for the 2018-2019 season. However, there will be a few additional changes. For instance, last year there were several presentations that were not recorded. Listeners had to tune in live to receive CLE credit. This year, however, every presentation will be recorded to some extent. Speakers will have the option of having their presentation available for after-market sales or for a period of 90 days only for those who preregister. In any event, if you have an oral argument or hearing during the presentation, don’t fret!  You now have the ability to hear all the presentations at a later time when you preregister.
The pricing will remain the same. The CLEs are available for advance individual purchase at $30 for section members and $45 for nonsection members. Section members can also purchase them in a bundle at a discounted rate of $240. When available, after-market sales may be at an increased price.
The Committee has again planned the entire 2018-2019 season. This season covers a broad range of topics from a wide array of speakers.

The 2018-2019 Monthly Audio Webcast Schedule


July 17, 2018

En Banc Proceedings in Florida’s District Courts of Appeal
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Douglas A. Wallace, Brannock & Humphries, Tampa
What makes a case one of exceptional importance? When are you likely to obtain en banc review based upon conflict within a district court of appeal’s decisions? That is what you will find out if you log on to this Webinar. Former Second District Court of Appeal Judge Douglas A. Wallace will provide a primer on what cases are best suited for en banc review in Florida’s District Courts of Appeal. Learn how to place your motions seeking review in the best light, or whether your case is one proper for review at all.

August 21, 2018

Getting an Amicus on Board for Your Appeal
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Andy Bolin, Bolin Law Group, Tampa
Philip Burlington, Burlington & Rockenbach, P.A., West Palm Beach
Kansas R. Gooden, Boyd & Jenerette, P.A., Miami

September 18, 2018

The State of Appellate Mediation in Florida’s State and Federal Courts
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Beth Greenfield-Mandler, Kinnard Mediation Center, Miami
Nicholas A. Shannin, Shannin Law Firm. P.A., Orlando

October 16, 2018

Stays Pending Appeal**
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Kristen Fiore, Akerman, Tallahassee

November 20, 2018

Recurring Issues in Constitutional Challenge Litigation**
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Rachel Nordby, Office of the Attorney General Tallahassee

January 15, 2019

Appellate Law Update: 2018 Year in Review**
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Matthew Conigliaro, Carlton Fields, P.A., Tampa

February 19, 2019

Appellate Practitioners in the Trial Court
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Alina Alonso Rodriguez, Bowman and Brooke LLP, Miami
Wendy Lumish, Bowman and Brooke LLP, Miami

March 19, 2019

Clerk of Courts Panel**
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Kristina Samuels, First District, Tallahassee
Mary Beth Kuenzel, Second District, Lakeland
Mary Cay Blanks, Third District, Miami
Lonn Weissblum, Fourth District, West Palm Beach
Joanne P. Simmons, Fifth District, Daytona Beach

April 16, 2019

Legislative and CRC Proposal Update
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Courtney Brewer, The Mills Firms, Tallahassee

May 21, 2019

Professionalism and Ethics on Appeal
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Judge Kevin Emas, Third District, Miami
Chief Judge Jonathan Gerber, Fourth District, West Palm Beach
Judge James Edwards, Fifth District, Daytona Beach


**These presentations must be purchased in advance and will not be available for purchase after the date of the presentation. If you purchase these in advance, you will have 90 days to listen to the presentation and earn your CLE credit.

Please make plans to join us for an exciting CLE season!



Kansas R. Gooden
Chair of the CLE Committee, 2018-2019