New Year, New Initiatives!
Greetings Appellate Practice Section Members, thank you to those who attended our Committee and Executive Council meetings during the Florida Bar Winter Meeting. If you were there, you know that our theme for 2019 is implementation!
You, the members of the Section, have brought so many great ideas to Section leadership over the past year, culminating in an incredibly productive planning session in Washington, D.C. We are ready to act on these great ideas, and we are already moving full steam ahead.
Here are some of the new initiatives that are underway. Do any of them speak to you? If so, click the links below to get involved!
Diversity and Inclusion
Following an incredible year of leadership by Kristin Norse, and inspired by the diversity and inclusion initiatives of Past Chair Siobhan Shea, I am pleased to share our plans to create a stand-alone committee focused on diversity and inclusion. Formerly under the umbrella of our Section’s Outreach Committee, as our diversity and inclusion initiatives have grown, we are excited to make them a focus in our Section’s work. Please contact Jared Krukar for additional information.
High School Moot Court Competition Program
In furtherance of the Section’s longstanding support of the Florida Law Related Education Association’s High School Moot Court Competition program, the Section has sponsored the program this year and is exploring new ways to get involved. The program presents a unique opportunity for high school students to gain exposure to our profession and learn about the role of Florida’s appellate courts. Please contact Brandon Breslow for additional information.
APS Fellows
The Section is exploring a fellowship program that will offer 1-2 law students or young lawyers an opportunity to join and actively participate in the Section for one year. We are developing an exciting program to ensure that our fellows get the full experience of being a part of the Section. Please contact Jamie Moses or Courtney Brewer for additional information.
Ongoing Opportunities
As always, there continue to be many opportunities for involvement in our Section’s CLE, Communications, History, Legislation, Outreach, Pro Bono, Programs, Publications, and Self-Represented Litigant Committees. Please click here for additional information about these committees to see how you can get involved.
On behalf of the Section, I am so grateful for everyone’s hard work in developing and implementing our Section’s programs and initiatives. From new ideas that are just beginning to take shape, to signature programming like our Dessert Reception at the Annual Florida Bar Convention, there is so much fantastic energy in the Section, and we are accomplishing great things. Keep up the excellent work!

Sarah Lahlou Amine
Sarah Lahlou-Amine, Chair
Appellate Practice Section
(813) 384-3994