Greetings Appellate Practice Section Members,
Well, we made it to May! Vaccinations are on the rise, serious coronavirus cases are on the decline. Our Annual Convention will be virtual again, but things are definitely looking promising for a return to live events soon. Not to mention, we had a really good response to last month’s survey about the 2022 retreat. I can definitely tell everyone’s itchin’ to travel somewhere and see each other again. Thank you all for responding.
Our Committee meetings at the virtual Bar Convention are spread out over the morning of Thursday, June 10 so that members can attend multiple meetings if they choose. We hope you will consider joining a Committee meeting and getting involved. And, if you are a new member or not sure how to get involved, please make plans to attend the New and Returning Member Orientation.
Here’s the full schedule of virtual events and registration links:
*Register to attend. Click on meeting names below to register for each meeting.*
APS 2021 Annual Convention Schedule
Tuesday, June 8 | |
5:00 – 6:00pm | New and Returning Member Orientation |
Thursday, June 10 | |
8:00 – 09:00am | Outreach Committee |
9:00 – 10:00am | CLE Committee |
10:00 – 10:30am | Publications Committee |
10:30 – 11:00am | Communications Committee |
11:00 – 11:30am | Legislative Committee |
11:30 – 12:00pm | Pro Bono Committee |
12:00 – 01:00pm | Diversity & Inclusion Committee |
1:00 – 03:00pm | APS Executive Council |
Friday, June 11 | |
2:00 – 5:00pm | President’s Showcase CLE presented by the Appellate Practice, Criminal Law, and Trial Lawyers Sections |
Don’t forget to also make plans to attend the President’s Showcase CLE called Look Out Below! Blunders, Landmines, and the Consequences of Poor Attorney Performance in the Preservation of Record Error, mentioned above. This program features Florida Supreme Court Justice Jorge Labarga and other elite appellate attorneys, and it is jointly presented by our Section, the Criminal Law Section, and the Trial Lawyers Section. A registration link is located above.
I also want to put everyone on notice that at the Executive Council Meeting on Thursday, we are considering some important amendments to the Section’s bylaws. They are fairly straightforward and primarily intend to bring the bylaws consistent with our current practices. You can find the full explanation of each amendment here.
Finally, I want to remind everyone that the Section’s first (and hopefully annual) Zoom-Tastic Trivia Night is on May 20, 2021 from 5:30 – 6:30 pm. Participants can choose their teams ahead of time or ask to be assigned to a team. Register here.
I look forward to connecting with everyone virtually at one of these exciting events, and look even more forward to a time when we can connect in person again.
![]() | Cheers, Kimberly Jones, Chair The Florida Bar APS Chair 2021-2022 |